What is peace?

Peace is a harmony, an energy, calmness, smoothness, quietude, a state of being Peace permeates,

It is an energy that brings calmness into the soul, it soothes the soul, it is like a balm, It causes peaceful feelings

When one is in a state of peace it is easy just to BE Be the essence of peace and serenity, wholeness, calmness,

It is such a simple thing, a simple level of being and yet so hard to achieve at times like these

Peace – Fullness

Allow your body to be filled with peace, the essence and feeling of peace Aim for this when you meditate, this calm centred feeling Being at peace should feel easy, no effort, no stress

Peace can permeate many levels, peace can calm and heal Peacefulness allows healing, nurturing sleep, cessation of worries

It is a warm energy which can fill you from head to toe with the sense of relaxation and calmness. It is hard to make war when one is at peace

Peace can be seen as being passive, non-aggressive, sometimes weak

But true peacefulness can neutralise hatred Standing in the power of peace can be a great strengthened, can deflect arrows of harsh words

Peacefulness can be a state of mind as well as a state of heart A state of peacefulness can be within one and within nations,

Peacefulness can be a great strength; the ability to maintain a peaceful existence

A peaceful state of being is not necessarily the easy path, It can be a matter of choice, decision, and determination

It can be seen as neutrality, yet there is more energy in peace

 Peace is stronger, so instead of being in neutrality or non-violence, be in the State of Peace

Allow this energy to deflect the arrows of negativity, of war, of hatred

Allow it to permeate into your lives Meditating on the state of peacefulness can help you, can empower you, can reap rewards

A state of peacefulness can fill you up and be all that you need.

Being in a state of peace brings healing both globally and individually

Experience its essence, its warmth, its calmness, its strength Surrender to It


Let the warmth of its energy nurture you, bathe you and fill your heart with love and peacefulness

St Maria Magdelena de Pazzi

17th Century Carmelite Nun, Florence, Italy
